Racing registration 2023-2024 Sailing Season

Each boat shall be entered by the owner or skipper who is a full financial member of OCC or a club recognised by the entrant’s national authority. The committee reserves the right to exclude results of boats that have not entered or paid the appropriate entry fee.

If you're not sure of your sail number, try the Boat Search function on the Yachting NZ website.

2024 Race Fees

$100 covers all club races for the season or per Race Entry Fee option (payable in advance): member $10 per race, non-member $15.

Payment - Cash/EFTPOS – please hand payment to bar staff or Club Secretary with your completed form. Alternatively you can pay by Direct Credit – to a/c Opua Cruising Club, ASB - 12- 3102 - 0016955 - 000. Please include your Surname in the ‘Code’ section and your Boat Name in the ‘Reference. Post or deliver form to office or bar.

I am paying by: *
Race fees are $100 for the year or $10 per race, payable in advance. Payment details will be emailed to you after you submit this form. Each boat shall be entered by the owner or skipper who is a full financial member of OCC or a club recognised by the entrant’s national authority. The committee reserves the right to exclude results of boats that have not paid the appropriate entry fee.